
Kevin Ingersoll
  • Mud is the fabric of autonomous worlds

    published 1.41.2 a year ago
  • Vue plugin for detecting when elements enter and leave the viewport

    published 0.0.1 10 years ago
  • A library for textually searching arrays and hashes of objects by property (or multiple properties). Designed specifically for autocomplete.

    published 0.5.4 5 years ago
  • Faucet API for Lattice testnet

    published 2.0.12 2 months ago
  • Registry

    published 1.2.2 2 years ago
  • Persona

    published 1.2.0 2 years ago
  • Persona Minting

    published 1.2.0 2 years ago
  • This is a placeholder

    published 0.0.0 2 years ago
  • `npm install @latticexyz/stressoor`

    published 0.6.3 2 years ago
  • Command line interface for mud

    published 2.0.12 2 months ago
  • Component Browser for RECS

    published 1.43.0 a year ago
  • This package includes general low level utilities to interact with Ethereum contracts, as well as specialized MUD contract/client sync utilities.

    published 1.43.0 a year ago
  • A highly scalable engine building on top of phaser

    published 1.43.0 a year ago
  • `recs` is built with reactivity in mind. `Components` and `Queries` expose an `update$` stream, that `Systems` can react to.

    published 2.0.12 2 months ago
  • MUD services for enhanced interactions with on-chain ECS state

    published 2.0.7 3 months ago
  • Solidity Entity Component System

    published 1.43.0 a year ago
  • Standard library for MUD client.

    published 1.43.0 a year ago
  • MUD Contracts Standard Library

    published 1.43.0 a year ago
  • Useful utilities for everyday use

    published 2.0.12 2 months ago
  • Matching Perlin noise implementations in Solidity and AssemblyScript

    published 1.43.0 a year ago
  • React tools for MUD client.

    published 2.0.12 2 months ago
  • Create a new MUD project

    published 2.0.12 2 months ago
  • World framework

    published 2.0.12 2 months ago
  • Store

    published 2.0.12 2 months ago
  • SchemaType enum for various languages

    published 2.0.12 2 months ago
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