combination of UI-related packages: @angular/material, @angular/flex-layout, hammerjs @swimlane/ngx-datatable material-design-icons roboto-fontface
published version 1.2.6, 7 years agoswagger client service for angular using the swagger-client package
published version 1.5.3, 7 years agodummy page not found component
published version 1.0.3, 8 years agoScaffold the code base of an angular reusable module, component or service.
published version 1.7.2, 8 years agoadd a toolbar using MdToolbar and provide a set of parameters to configure
published version 1.1.2, 8 years agoadd an authentication service based on a swagger client
published version 1.4.5, 7 years agoScaffold the code base of a swagger-node reusable path, operation, definition, model or helper.
published version 1.8.3, 7 years agoadd a dummy path that enables an hello world endpoint in your api
published version 1.31.0, 7 years agowrapper function to enable pagination for an endpoint that returns a list of items
published version 1.28.0, 7 years agowrapper function to disable a swagger endpoint if x-disabled property is true
published version 1.31.0, 7 years agoset a login endpoint to your API
published version 1.31.0, 7 years agoreturn an account that corresponds to the passed credentials
published version 1.28.0, 7 years agohelper function to create or load a data file with a data fake generator
published version 1.31.0, 7 years agochance mixin to set a property value to true
published version 1.10.1, 7 years agochance mixin to set a property value to false
published version 1.10.1, 7 years agochance mixin to generate fake user data based on AccountModel definition
published version 1.28.0, 7 years agoswagger definition of an account model
published version 1.0.0, 8 years agoswagger definition of an account model
published version 1.31.2, 7 years agoset CORS headers
published version 1.31.0, 7 years agodereference swagger file and returns a promise with the plain swagger as js object
published version 1.31.0, 7 years agomock data helper for swagger-node
published version 1.28.0, 7 years agomain component for angular app
published version 1.3.1, 8 years agomodule to setup a marketplace layout
published version 1.4.0, 8 years agoauthentication module for angular that shows a login and register pages
published version 1.0.1, 8 years ago