
Francisco Ramini

  • Dinamically generates CQ Clientlibs using Bower

    published 0.0.1 10 years ago
  • Module to define components through a data-* API

    published 2.0.0-0 7 years ago
  • Module to manage the state of a component through media queries.

    published 2.0.0-0 7 years ago
  • Module to generate an accordion menu

    published 2.0.0-0 7 years ago
  • Module to manage the focusable state of an element and its children

    published 2.0.0-0 7 years ago
  • Module to generate an overlay and trap focus on the active element

    published 2.0.0-0 7 years ago
  • Module to add toggling behavior to a button

    published 2.0.0-0 7 years ago
  • Module to generate an dropdown menu

    published 2.0.0-0 7 years ago
  • Utility module to provide some basics functions to operate over the DOM

    published 2.0.0-0 7 years ago
  • Module to generate an accessible carousel slider

    published 2.0.0-0 7 years ago
  • Module to generate a simple dropdown menu where the expanded content can contain anything

    published 2.0.0-0 7 years ago
  • Configuration and scripts for Create React App with support for sass + sass-resources

    published 1.0.7 7 years ago
  • Swiper component for React Native.

    published 1.5.14 6 years ago
  • Terminal assistant for generating invoices

    published 0.2.0 4 years ago
  • React component for lazy loading heavy embeds like the one from YouTube. For now we only support YouTube videos but we might add support for Vimeo in the short term

    published 1.0.0-beta.0 4 years ago
  • React Hook for addressing the issue on mobile devices where `100vh` doesn't mean what you would expect. This is very noticeable on iOS Safari where we have the address and toolbar on top of the `100vh` which generates an undesirable vertical scrollbar.

    published 1.0.0-beta.0 4 years ago
  • React component for rendering images in a performant and good looking way. This is heavily inspired by [gatsby-images]( but it only includes the React layer, which means, it doesn't include any built-in solut

    published 1.0.0-beta.0 4 years ago