

  • Sometimes you have a function, that you're planning to use within something like `async.waterfall` but it's wrote to be synchronous and returns a value instead of using a callback. This function will accept that function, along with a context and return an asynchronous version of that function

    published 0.9.1 11 years ago
  • Generates (locally) unique incrementing numbers

    published 0.9.5 8 years ago
  • Lights along the top of the browser, to give basic status information

    published 0.6.4 10 years ago
  • A simple state machine

    published 0.9.3 10 years ago
  • Monitors and manages EventSource, which amounts to making the API a little easier for my case and adding the ability to switch URLs

    published 0.9.4 10 years ago
  • Simple library for decorating a prototypical class with events

    published 0.9.3 10 years ago
  • Infinite Buffer

    published 0.9.1 10 years ago
  • Takes two arrays (keys and values) and returns an object made of those keys and values.

    published 0.9.0 10 years ago
  • Module for communication changes through ServerSentEvents... most basic implementation possible...

    published 0.9.0 10 years ago
  • A very modular reference server for SyncIt for use with Express

    published 0.9.7 10 years ago
  • A base SyncIt project with SyncIt, SyncItControl and SyncItServer all integrated... with only a very slight jQuery dependency (which will be easy to remove).

    published 0.8.2 10 years ago
  • Generates random strings using the 'crypto' module which also makes it async

    published 1.0.1 5 years ago
  • Manages SyncIt and EventSourceMonitor to hopefully produce a simple API which can help you create full SyncIt based projects, easily

    published 0.10.4 10 years ago
  • Unit tests individual files with the test program being picked by a config file per project

    published 0.9.0 10 years ago
  • Framework for data synchronization

    published 0.11.3 9 years ago
  • A library for manipulating nested data in a way reminiscent of MongoDB's "Field Update Operators" work (eg. $set)

    published 0.9.4 10 years ago
  • Run a set of data sequentially through a worker, which returns Promises and eventually returns a Promise of all results

    published 1.0.1 9 years ago
  • Minimize webpack / browserify compile time size / time in development by using selective `require`

    published 0.9.9 9 years ago
  • Babel plugin for require-parts

    published 0.9.9 9 years ago
  • Draw database diagrams using GraphViz / DOT from a very simple YAML file.

    published 0.9.8 9 years ago
  • A micro framework for working with queue services.

    published 0.5.14 9 years ago
  • Class that adds a HTTP server and then can print out GraphViz/DOT messages

    published 0.9.6 9 years ago
  • ## Overview

    published 0.5.2 8 years ago
  • A time based information framework

    published 0.5.5 9 years ago
  • We love queues and use AWS. This code creates (if necessary) an AWS SQS queue and calls the callback, giving you an SQS queue URL with ease.

    published 0.5.0 8 years ago
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