
  • An Object Algorithm library for JavaScript

    published 1.1.2 7 years ago
  • A fork of the console.table and cli_table NodeJS source code which returns strings, and works in web browsers.

    published 1.0.2 5 years ago
  • Buffer calls to console.log, console.warn, etc. for high performance logging

    published 1.1.1 5 years ago
  • Produces preemptible JavaScript coroutines which conform to the HertzScript specification.

    published 0.0.11 5 years ago
  • Executes preemptible JavaScript coroutines which conform to the HertzScript specification.

    published 0.0.19 5 years ago
  • Singly linked, doubly linked, and circular LinkedList

    published 1.0.2 5 years ago
  • Queue and Stack classes

    published 1.0.2 5 years ago
  • Velocity is a concurrent REPL which is designed specifically for HertzScript coroutines. All code runs concurrently alongside the REPL, so you can continue typing/adding code while existing code is still running.

    published 1.0.3 5 years ago
  • A Babel plugin that marks AST CallExpression nodes as tail calls and/or proper tail calls.

    published 1.0.0 5 years ago
  • HockIt is a super-simple HTTP file sharing server; it has a web GUI, a JSON API, and a CLI.

    published 2.1.2 4 years ago
  • The "testDiff" deep diff/test function from Differentia.js, ported to TypeScript. Returns true if input 1 differs in any way from input 2. Performs deep object search by default, works OK with circular references.

    published 1.0.5 4 months ago