Middleware and Consumers for authenticating with the Faithlife API via OAuth.
published version 0.4.5, 10 years agoA collection of CommonJS modules for interacting with the Faithlife API.
published version 0.5.0, 10 years agoRefTagger converts Bible references into links with hover-preview.
published version 2.1.0, 3 years agoFaithlife authentication strategy for Passport and Node.js.
published version 0.1.0, 10 years agoGenerator for a node/React app that uses Faithlife authentication.
published version 0.0.16, 9 years agoESLint configs for Faithlife developers
published version 10.1.0, 7 months agoAn evented streaming XML parser in JavaScript, with support for XML fragments.
published version 1.3.0, 9 months agoShareable commitlint config enforcing Faithlife commit conventions.
published version 1.0.0, 6 years agoFork of the react-popper project
published version 2.2.4, 4 years ago