Postprocessor wrapper for wallabify compatibility with proxyquire
published 1.0.0 7 years agoUse ts-mocks to create Mock<T> objects for during Unit Tests And make sur eit's compatible with instrumentation
published 1.0.3 7 years agoTiny module to create an SVG element, with TypeScript Support
published 1.0.6 7 years agoToolbox to extract information from Vue component files for documentation generation purposes.
published 4.79.2 a month agovue-template-loader plugin for @vue/cli 3.0
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published 4.72.4 a year agoA lightweight playground for live editing VueJs code in the browser
published 2.5.4 a year agoMake your markdown code examples come alive
published 1.6.2 4 years agocompile vue single file components right in your browser
published 4.72.4 a year agoGenerate documentation markdown files from VueJs components using the vue-docgen-api.
published 4.79.0 6 months agouse this with vue-inbrowser-compiler to allow jsx compilation
published 4.72.4 a year agovue cli plugin for vue-docgen-cli
published 4.45.0 2 years ago