
  • Easy[V] component tools

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  • Easy[V] component development environment

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  • ## tip: 组件配置项,旧版本 “ _xxx ” 开头,新版本 " xxx "

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  • ``` easyv-charts ├─ .babelrc ├─ lib // 执行 `npm run make` 命令后的打包后自动生成的目录 ├─ package-lock.json ├─ package.json ├─ src │ ├─ components │ │ ├─ AnimateData.js // 用来做图表数据改变(增长)动画(HOC) │ │ ├─ Axis.js // x, y,

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  • An enterprise-class UI design language and React components implementation

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  • Abstract nodes for ant design icons.

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  • <h1 align="center"> Ant Design Icons for React </h1>

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  • Icon automation workflow with Figma

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  • 一个基于数据驱动的节点式编排组件库,让你有方便快捷定制可视化流程图表

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  • react version for butterfly

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  • x-spreadsheet 用来服务 easyvAdmin csv 数据源的 excel 表格形式展示与编辑功能 x-spreadsheet 由开源仓库https://hondrytravis.com/x-spreadsheet-doc/guide/#%E7%AE%80%E8%BF%B0 修改而成,更多关于 x-spreadsheet 请访问 X-Spreadsheet 中文文档

    published 1.0.4 2 years ago
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