
  • Materials synthetic data generation

    published 0.0.4 2 years ago
  • Super simplified property tree instantiation with data binding and distributed change notifications for Fluid testing and benchmarking

    published 0.0.11 2 years ago
  • Metrology synthetic data generation

    published 0.0.3 2 years ago
  • [Wasm](https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack) library for [content-based slicing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_hash). Convenience wrapper on existing rolling hash implementations in rust, such as provided by [fastcdc](https://github.com/nlfiedler

    published 0.1.0 2 years ago
  • [Wasm](https://github.com/rustwasm/wasm-pack) library for [content-based slicing](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rolling_hash). Convenience wrapper on existing rolling hash implementations in rust, such as provided by [fastcdc](https://github.com/nlfiedler

    published 0.1.0 2 years ago
  • Building block for content addressable persistence. Provides the ability to persist, modify and retrieve large byte-arrays or fragments thereof

    published 0.0.13 2 years ago
  • JS IPFS clone with repo access

    published 0.16.1 2 years ago
  • Simple content-addressable storage (CAS) based on IPFS

    published 0.0.9 2 years ago
  • This crate generates WebAssembly bindings to the FastCDC content defined slicing library

    published 0.1.1 2 years ago
  • This crate generates WebAssembly bindings to the FastCDC content defined slicing library

    published 0.1.1 2 years ago
  • Simple content-addressable storage (CAS) based on Azure Blob Storage

    published 0.0.5 2 years ago
  • Blocks are everywhere. Structural resilience, performance and high availability. Censorship resistant. Store content-addressable blocks redundantly, across technologies and providers. Providers compete on retrieval, fastest wins.

    published 0.0.3 2 years ago
  • Readonly content-addressable storage (CAS) based on IPFS via custom HTTP gateways

    published 0.0.2 2 years ago
  • Simple content-addressable storage (CAS) based on AWS S3

    published 0.0.3 2 years ago
  • Local content-addressable storage (CAS) based on IndexedDB

    published 0.0.2 2 years ago
  • O-O-O-O-O-O-O is a collection of content addressed persistent data structures

    published 0.1.2 5 months ago
  • Simple alpha shared tree instantiation for testing

    published 0.0.12 a year ago
  • Simple in-memory block service

    published 0.0.2 a year ago
  • Simple client for block-service

    published 0.0.2 a year ago
  • O-O-O-O-O-O-O relay

    published 0.1.2 5 months ago
  • Agent for synchronizing shared-tree-map across relays

    published 0.0.2 a year ago
  • Single writer disk backed queue trivial prototype

    published 0.0.1 a year ago
  • Simple unix style utility adding gpt model interaction to the command line

    published 0.0.3 5 months ago