A data marshaller that converts JavaScript types into Amazon DynamoDB AttributeValues
published 0.11.1 2 years agoAbstraction for DynamoDB queries and scans that handles pagination and parallel worker coordination
published 0.11.1 2 years agoAbstraction for DynamoDB batch reads and writes for that handles batch splitting and partial retries with exponential backoff
published 0.11.1 2 years agoComposable expression objects for Amazon DynamoDB
published 0.11.1 2 years agoA schema-based data mapper for Amazon DynamoDB
published 0.11.1 2 years agoA schema-based data marshaller for Amazon DynamoDB
published 0.11.1 2 years agoAnnotations providing easy integration between TypeScript domain objects and the @driimus/dynamodb-data-mapper library
published 0.11.1 2 years agoConcurrently process batch records with partial failure support
published 0.3.2 2 months agoSend SQS messages causing non-retryable errors to a dead-letter SQS queue
published 0.2.1 2 months agoTest data factories for AWS Lambda event sources
published 0.2.3 2 months agoDeploy Prisma Migrations to a remote database through SSH tunneling
published 0.1.5 2 years agoNX Plugin for managing libraries generated from OpenAPI specs
published 3.0.0 14 days ago