A central log target implemented in unix sockets to consolidate multiple service containers on a single machine.
published version 0.90.12, 10 years agoA document database with query, insert, update, backup/restore and replication implemented on top of levelup, leveldown, and memdown.
published version 0.91.14, 8 years agoRandom fixture data generator cloned from boo1ean/casual by Egor Gumenyuk to provide mixed-case methods that pass jshint tests where camelcase is set to true...
published version 2.0.19, 8 years agoA collection of small utilities to manage AWS services and actions
published version 0.92.22, 7 years agoA simple set of file utilities suitable for command line projects...
published version 0.91.20, 8 years agoA client-side priority job queue
published version 0.90.30, 10 years agoA non-traditional access service that leverages websockets to provide user authentication
published version 0.90.25, 10 years agoAn evented array list container that augments the standard javascript array without altering the array prototype. Events fire when the list changes or when a contained model is updated.
published version 0.91.22, 8 years agoA simple HTTP application server that accepts or rejects connections based on authenticated attributes including ip, user agent, etc. The server can be used stand alone or as middleware for connect or express.
published version 0.91.10, 9 years agoA small socket network framework to support inter-process JSON messages using unix sockets.
published version 0.92.10, 9 years agoAn MVC platform of common REST services for node / web applications implemented for classical instantiation and inheritance.
published version 0.91.40, 7 years agoA mock browser with window, document, location, navigation, local and session storage to use for client side code tests in a node environment.
published version 0.92.14, 8 years agoA real-time spell checker service based on faye pub/sub websockets
published version 0.90.20, 10 years agoA websocket library of pub/sub support for secure web socket messaging.
published version 0.91.14, 9 years agoA daemon runner utility for node, python, shell and other executable services. Can be configured to run a monitored or detached child process or groups of processes.
published version 0.91.10, 9 years agoA node console and file logger suitable for small, medium and large production projects.
published version 21.8.12, 3 years agoA JavaScript implementation of the DOM and HTML standards cloned from the original jsdom branch 3.x
published version 3.1.5, 10 years ago