
Daniel Dwyer
  • a universal marquee component for react, just plug in some props and play!

    published 5.9.90 4 years ago
  • Read today's headlines in your terminal, paired with links to bring you to each story.

    published 2.9.73 4 years ago
  • The easiest way to deal with local times, dates, and time zones in JavaScript. No heavy API, like Moment.js, just local times, dates, and time zones using the JavaScript Date API.

    published 1.0.15 4 years ago
  • 'Play terminal-trivia everydayyyyyy' - Nate Dogg

    published 0.1.12 4 years ago
  • Compare the difference between two strings using Levenshtein Distance. Returns a number 0 to 1 showing exactly how related the two strings are.

    published 0.0.9 4 years ago
  • A simple single function that returns a randomized single deck of 52 cards as an array of arrays: [[ '♠️Jack', 10 ], [ '♦️9', 9 ], [ '♣️King', 10 ] ...]

    published 2.0.31 4 years ago