A React component for the font-awesome icon library.
published version 1.7.1, 5 years agoReflux `setState` mixin to get React-like state behavior in Reflux stores.
published version 1.2.2, 9 years agoYeoman generator to boostrap NPM modules and web applications
published version 1.0.2, 9 years agoAdd a string of HTML to the DOM and return the new element.
published version 0.1.5, 9 years agoSimple request and response mock objects to pass into Express routes when testing using Sinon.
published version 2.2.1, 5 years agoA simple utility that given a month and year returns an array of dates to be used in a monthly calendar. Shows previous and next months days to pad out the calendar so the calendar always starts on Sunday and lasts for 6 weeks.
published version 0.1.0, 8 years agoSimple model wrapper around a `sql` table.
published version 0.9.4, 8 years agoWrap async express routes so exceptions can be caught by middleware.
published version 0.1.0, 8 years agoCSS-in-JS utils for margins and padding.
published version 0.4.1, 8 years agoThis is a simple Node.js CLI that uses the @remote.it/services package to do authentication requests.
published version 1.4.3, 5 years agoParse FormData into a structured JavaScript object with coerced primitives including TypeScript support
published version 0.3.0, 2 years agoTiny wrapper around native fetch to remove boilerplate from your own API fetching code.
published version 0.9.4, a year ago