
  • A package containing cryptography utilities for MACI

    published 1.2.5 a month ago
  • [![NPM Package][domainobjs-npm-badge]][domainobjs-npm-link] [![Actions Status][domainobjs-actions-badge]][domainobjs-actions-link]

    published 1.2.5 a month ago
  • [![NPM Package][integrationTests-npm-badge]][integrationTests-npm-link] [![Actions Status][integrationTests-actions-badge]][integrationTests-actions-link]

    published 1.2.5 a month ago
  • Solidity Smart Contracts for MACI (Minimal Anti-Collusion Infrastructure)

    published 1.2.5 a month ago
  • [![NPM Package][core-npm-badge]][core-npm-link] [![Actions Status][core-actions-badge]][core-actions-link]

    published 1.2.5 a month ago
  • zk-SNARK circuits for MACI

    published 1.2.5 a month ago
  • CLI utilities for MACI

    published 1.2.5 a month ago
  • [![NPM Package][common-npm-badge]][common-npm-link]

    published 1.1.2 2 years ago
  • All-in-one interactive command-line for interfacing with zkSNARK Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremonies

    published 1.0.9 9 months ago
  • A set of actions and helpers for CLI commands

    published 0.0.3 a year ago
  • A set of actions and helpers for CLI commands

    published 1.1.4 9 months ago
  • All-in-one interactive command-line for interfacing with zkSNARK Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremonies

    published 1.2.0 9 months ago
  • All-in-one interactive command-line for interfacing with zkSNARK Phase 2 Trusted Setup ceremonies

    published 1.0.9 9 months ago
  • CLI utilities for MACI

    published 1.1.4 8 months ago
  • A JavaScript library for adding points to the curve.

    published 0.1.2 5 months ago
  • A JavaScript EdDSA library for secure signing and verification using Poseidon the Baby Jubjub elliptic curve.

    published 0.5.2 5 months ago
  • Poseidon encryption and decryption in TypeScript.

    published 0.2.2 5 months ago
  • A package containing cryptography utilities for MACI

    published 1.2.5 a month ago
  • [![NPM Package][core-npm-badge]][core-npm-link] [![Actions Status][core-actions-badge]][core-actions-link]

    published 1.2.5 a month ago
  • [![NPM Package][domainobjs-npm-badge]][domainobjs-npm-link] [![Actions Status][domainobjs-actions-badge]][domainobjs-actions-link]

    published 1.2.5 a month ago