Easily list/Execute (bash) shellcommands from a specified folder
published version 1.0.1, 4 years agogoogle calendar integration, allows hubot to notify roommembers when ical events (are about) to happen
published version 1.0.0, 9 years ago(query) interface to google spreadsheet (with authentication)
published version 0.0.13, 10 years agoA Node-RED node to split arrays into seperate messages, making it easy to loop over.
published version 0.0.16, 10 years agoA Node-RED node to execute coffeescript (with support for both asynchronous and synchronously flows)
published version 0.0.24, 10 years agorun all hubot commands thru the browser or terminal (without the need of an extra adapter)
published version 0.0.23, 9 years agoUse mustache, including partials, in Express 3
published version 1.3.2, 3 years agoadds user frontend with login-, registration-, and webhook- features to your (express) application. Startingpoint for DIY api management
published version 0.0.65, 8 years agorecurring REST call scheduler (instead of cron+flock)
published version 0.0.27, 8 years agointerface to recurry , the recurrent REST scheduler
published version 1.0.2, 8 years agosimple crosslanguage testing-utility using bash, crosslanguage bootstrapper for unittests
published version 0.0.61, 9 years agolightweight jsonschema validator with acl-sauce on top
published version 0.1.3, 8 years agoTypecheck functionguards for function arguments and (nested) objects when it matters (REST payloads etc)
published version 0.4.6, 8 years agoApi scaffolding from a model specification in few lines of coffeescript OH MY
published version 0.1.35, 9 years agoUnfancy rest apis, automatic documentation generator extension for coffeerest-api
published version 0.1.47, 9 years agoExtremely light weight way to resolve jsonschema '$ref' references & inheritance: create circular/graphs, fractals from json (browser/coffeescript/javascript).
published version 1.1.0, 8 years agojsonschema validator of a frontend model in json, describe your frontend in json and generate html/whatever code from it
published version 1.0.7, 9 years agoPut web admin interface-sauce on top of your coffeerest api
published version 0.1.3, 9 years agoUnfancy rest apis, frontend skeleton for third party web widget + embedcode
published version 0.1.49, 9 years agoeasily create dsl's from json by evaluating json keys and values, json decode on steroids
published version 1.0.3, 9 years agoUltra-extendable Mustache-ish template engine on steroids in 620 gzipped kilobytes, need nothing more!
published version 1.1.28, 9 years agoeasy way to visualize jsonflow graphs in ascii
published version 1.0.3, 9 years agopowerful minimalist graph/dataflow programming based on jsonschema references (nodejs/coffeescript)
published version 1.0.71, 9 years agoEasily generate a graphs/REST-clients from json api-modelspecifications. Like restangular/traverse/backbone/restful but more atheist-style.
published version 1.0.10, 9 years agoautomatically update package.json according to installed/linked modules in /node_modules
published version 1.0.5, 9 years ago