
  • A utility to parse and extract components from a street address

    published 1.0.1 2 years ago
  • The ZeroDep error wrapper

    published 2.0.9 2 months ago
  • A collection of utility methods to determine type, classification or equality

    published 2.1.16 2 months ago
  • A collection of guards, utilities to gate against specific variable types at run-time

    published 2.0.10 2 months ago
  • A set of functions to convert between data types

    published 2.1.3 2 months ago
  • A modern library/monorepo of high-quality, zero-dependency, fully typed, fully tested, tree-shakeable utilities, parsers, data structure factories, converters and other capabilities

    published 2.9.3 2 months ago
  • A typescript type declaration of time zones

    published 0.1.2 2 years ago
  • A set of utilities to convert the case of strings

    published 2.0.13 2 months ago
  • A set of functions to manipulate strings

    published 2.0.11 2 months ago
  • A utility to get the two-letter ISO code for a state or province from its name or common abbreviation

    published 0.1.4 2 years ago
  • An address parser for American and Canadian addresses that breaks down the provided address into its component parts

    published 0.0.11 2 years ago
  • A utility to determine if a value is a boolean

    published 2.0.11 2 months ago
  • A utility to determine if a value is a BigInt

    published 2.0.13 2 months ago
  • A utility to determine if a value is an array

    published 2.0.16 2 months ago
  • A utility to determine if a value is an Error or specific instance/subclass of an Error type.

    published 2.1.7 2 months ago
  • A utility to determine if a value is a finite float

    published 2.0.13 2 months ago
  • A utility to determine if a value is a function

    published 2.0.11 2 months ago
  • A utility to determine if a value is a finite integer

    published 2.0.11 2 months ago
  • A utility to determine if a value is a Map

    published 2.0.11 2 months ago
  • A utility to determine if a value is null or undefined

    published 2.0.11 2 months ago
  • A utility to determine if a value is null

    published 2.0.11 2 months ago
  • A utility to determine if a value is a finite float or integer

    published 2.0.11 2 months ago
  • A utility to determine if a value is a non-null JavaScript object

    published 2.0.11 2 months ago
  • A utility to determine if a value is a Plain Old Java Object (a non-null serializable JSON object)

    published 2.0.11 2 months ago
  • A utility to determine if a value is a Promise

    published 2.0.11 2 months ago
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