
Camilo Sanchez

  • seamlessly create a promise

    published 1.0.0 8 years ago
  • gets the current datetime as an ISO string

    published 1.0.0 8 years ago
  • Seamlessly create a twitter-node-client while reading the configuration from the environment

    published 1.0.4 8 years ago
  • Another library to throttle calls. Seamlessly throttle calls.

    published 1.0.0 8 years ago
  • Add a commong prefix to every single console.log message

    published 2.0.0 8 years ago
  • Forwards the Stdin to AWS Cloudwatch

    published 1.0.1 8 years ago
  • Renames all the files that match a prefix. In the list of specified folders

    published 1.1.2 8 years ago
  • Some Helpers to automate certain AWS tasks such as restoring an RDS instance or updating ElasticBeanstalk environment settings

    published 1.4.1 5 years ago
  • Some Helpers to automate certain AWS tasks such as restoring an RDS instance or updating ElasticBeanstalk environment settings

    published 1.0.6 5 years ago