Easy select and customazible component for latest React. With search, writed by ES6.
published version 3.1.0, 7 years agoNative javascript router based on html5 history API
published version 1.1.0, 4 years agoEasy shortcuts api for working with modern web apps
published version 0.2.0, 6 years agoImplementation of genetic algorithms for nodejs and browser
published version 1.6.8, 3 years agoImplementation of most popular technical stock indicators
published version 0.4.0, 4 years ago- published version 1.0.6, 4 years ago
Dynamic takes plugin for Debut
published version 1.6.0-beta.4, 3 years agoStop genetic optimization when stats is not fine
published version 1.3.4, a year agoMartingale or linear grid based trades
published version 1.5.12, a year agoNeuro filter plugin for debute
published version 1.0.5, 4 years agoExpiration period for orders, debut plugin
published version 1.3.2, a year agoReinvest profit, plugin for debut
published version 1.3.2, a year agoReport generation for strategy backtesting in debut
published version 1.4.2, a year agoTrade session time, plugin debut
published version 1.3.4, a year agoClassic virtual takes and stops in percent
published version 2.0.8, a year agoImplementation of most popular technical stock indicators for debut environment
published version 1.3.22, 3 months agoJavascript trading framework, with backtesting and strategy optimisations
published version 5.0.8, 9 months agoCommon Debut Typescript Typings for enterprise and community versions
published version 4.1.2, a year agoDebut utilites for core and plugins
published version 2.0.3, a year agoNeural network trend forecasting
published version 1.4.4, a year agoMy awesome typescript library
published version 0.0.28, 12 days ago