
  • A small React library to dispatch and forward React and custom events end emit values, inspired by Svelte's createEventDispatcher and Vue's $emit

    published 1.0.1 2 years ago
  • - Dispatch custom component events with a payload, or forward React synthetic events. - Replicate Svelte's `createEventDispatcher` and Vue's `$emit` behavior in React. - Hook + HOC for class components. - TypeScript support.

    published 0.2.2 a year ago
  • <p> <img width="100%" src="../svelte-idle-sensor-banner.jpg" alt="Svelte idle-sensor banner"> </p>

    published 0.0.8 a year ago
  • Signals for React (SFR) is a library aiming to provide signal primitives for React applications.

    published 0.1.2 8 months ago