
Aditya Rizqi Ardhana
  • Welcome to Magami Software Development Kit (SDK), This library contains core API needed to create a mini game campaign. This developer-friendly resource empowers you to efficiently retrieve and manipulate data to create tailored solutions. ## Prerequisite

    published 2.3.2 3 months ago
  • This library contains core functionalities needed for Flexben Product.

    published 1.0.0 a year ago
  • Munio is a platform to help communities and organizations managing their members with engaging features

    published 0.3.41 a month ago
  • Munio is a platform to help communities and organizations managing their members with engaging features

    published 0.0.7 a year ago
  • An interactive form input that instantly transforms numerical entries into localized currency formats while you type

    published 1.1.3 4 months ago