Local code level cache in JavaScript. Better use of APIs to reduce frequent hits to server
published 1.1.5 7 years agoDrawer Js can store/set any kind of data and pick/get that data at every file of your project. Assign any thing and get any where in application as a single context/state.
published 1.0.5 6 years agoit is a boilerplate for react redux projects with basic file structure and libraries
published 1.0.3 4 years agoFully-featured GraphQL Server with focus on easy setup, performance & great developer experience
published 0.1.1 5 years ago[![All Contributors](https://img.shields.io/badge/all_contributors-16-orange.svg?style=flat-square)](#contributors-)
published 0.9.2 4 years agoA simple and reusable react component for hijir date pickre
published 1.0.7 4 years agoLocal store helps to communicate with browser local storage, you can store any data plain or encrypted, add listener with local storage
published 1.0.4 3 years ago