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Serverless CLI utilities
The Serverless Dashboard plugin
Serverless typescript definitions
Serverless Components Core
This Serverless Platform SDK makes it easy to interact with the Serverless Platform and perform operations on it. Please note that there is an existing `@serverless/platform-sdk` npm module for interacting with the Serverless Inc. SaaS original platform s
node-postgres for serverless environments from
Serverless Python Requirements Plugin
- serverless
- python
- requirements
- pip
- serverless framework plugin
- serverless applications
- serverless plugins
- api gateway
- lambda
- aws
- aws lambda
- amazon
- amazon web services
TypeScript definitions for serverless
Serverless Components CLI
Connect Serverless to LocalStack!
Preload environment variables with dotenv into serverless.
Serverless plugin to bundle your javascript with Webpack
The Serverless Framework's new infrastructure provisioning technology — Build, compose, & deploy serverless apps in seconds...
A Serverless Plugin to write If Else conditions in serverless YAML file
Use existing web application frameworks in serverless environments
- serverless
- serverless applications
- koa
- express
- connect
- api gateway
- lambda
- aws
- aws lambda
- amazon
- amazon web services
Official Sentry SDK for various serverless solutions
[]( []( [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.or
Serverless plugin for managing custom domains with API Gateways.
- serverless plugin custom domain
- custom domain
- serverless plugins
- api gateway
- lambda
- aws
- aws lambda
- amazon
- amazon web services
- domain manager
Emulate AWS λ and API Gateway locally when developing your Serverless project
- serverless
- serverless framework
- serverless local
- serverless offline
- serverless plugin
- aws
- amazon web services
- api gateway
- http
- lambda
- schedule
- websocket