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exact matchA pure JavaScript implementation of Sass.
Sass loader for webpack
Node.js library that communicates with Embedded Dart Sass using the Embedded Sass protocol
Find the dependencies of a sass file
Gulp plugin for sass
typescript sass formatter
bootstrap-sass is a Sass-powered version of Bootstrap 3, ready to drop right into your Sass powered applications.
Get the file associated with a Sass import
A Sass parser for PostCSS, using gonzales-pe.
Compile Sass to CSS
Parse sass files and extract a graph of imports
The linux-x64 binary for sass-embedded
SASS resources loader for Webpack
sass-alias is a node-sass and dart-sass importer that brings aliasing to sass.
All Node Sass linter!
Lezer-based Sass/SCSS grammar
TypeScript definitions for node-sass
The Stencil Sass Plugin
Sharable stylelint config based on
The linux-musl-x64 binary for sass-embedded