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Metalsmith plugin to watch for changes and trigger partial and full rebuilds
A Metalsmith plugin to hightlight code blocks in markdown using highlight.js.
A Metalsmith plugin that adds collections of files to the global metadata.
Simplify the repetitive portions of writing Metalsmith plugins.
Metalsmith plugin to convert pug files
A Metalsmith plugin to remove files from the build
Include static assets in a Metalsmith build
A Metalsmith plugin to create HTTP redirections
Metalsmith plugin to include raw file contents in templates.
Metalsmith JSTransformer Plugin
A Metalsmith plugin for filtering source files
Development server for Metalsmith.
Use React in metalsmith as a templating language
Metalsmith plugin to load data from files directly into your metadata.
A Metalsmith plugin to debug Metalsmith and plugins
Easily find the relative path to the root directory in your Metalsmith templates
A Metalsmith plugin to write the metadata as json files to the filesystem.
A Metalsmith plugin for registering Handlebars helpers.
A metalsmith plugin to hide drafts.
A Metalsmith plugin to minify HTML files.