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Utility module for signing AWS CloudFront URLs
Compat layer for running next.js apps in Lambda@Edge
Handles CloudFront invalidation
Scripts for updating CloudFront distributions with new Lambda@Edge function versions
Utility module for signing AWS CloudFront URLs
Compat layer for running next.js apps in Lambda@Edge
Simple invalidation tool for AWS CloudFront distributions, called after Travis CI is run.
CloudFront authentication via signed URLs or cookies
## Module Usage
Handles CloudFront invalidation
Sign urls for AWS CloudFront
Utility module for signing AWS CloudFront URLs
Compat layer for running next.js apps in Lambda@Edge
serverless plugin for Lambda@Edge with aws-sdk
Like `aws s3 sync` with automatic CloudFront invalidations and more.
🥑 build the output of a front-end page to be hosted on S3 and delivered by CloudFront
CDK Construct to associate MediaTailor config with CloudFront distribution
🥔 Upload a static page to AWS S3 while automatically configuring CloudFront.
A plugin to invalidate Amazon CloudFront caches
Deploy and Invalidation Tool for CloudFront + S3 with npm scripts.