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89 packages found
Easy input of currency formatted numbers for Vue.js.
Easy formatted numbers, currency and percentage with input/directive mask for Vue.js
- vue
- currency directive
- percentage input
- v-money
- v-currency
- v-percentage
- input mask
- number format
- currency input
- money input
- v-number
Vue3 currency input/directive mask
Easy input of currency formatted numbers for Vue.js. Added a chageable decimal separator for currency value.
Vue component for selecting curreny by country
Vue <input/> component for formatting currency and numbers
Bani Vue Payment Widget is a convenient and user-friendly payment solution for web applications. It enables businesses to easily accept payments through various channels such as mobile money, cryptocurrency, bank transfers, and third-party wallets. With j
- github
- vue
- vuejs
- bani
- bani-vue
- payment
- crypto
- bank
- transfers
- Bani
- Fiat Payments
- paystack alternative
- crypto payments
- BANI payments
- View more
Vue currency input/directive mask for Vuetify v2
Currency picker component for Vue 3
Input field component to display a formatted number value. It is meant to be used with Vue 3.
v-money directive for vue.js that exposes the unmasked value
Vue3 currency input/directive mask
Vue.js component for cleave.js
Simple, quick custom directive for handling currency format inside text inputs.
Input field component to display currency value based on Vue.
A simple VueJs library that returns different currency badges.
A component with input spinner and currency mask.
Easy formatted numbers, currency and percentage with input/directive mask for Vue.js
- vue
- currency directive
- percentage input
- v-money
- v-currency
- v-percentage
- input mask
- number format
- currency input
- money input
- v-number
Easy formatted numbers, currency and percentage with input/directive mask for Vue.js
- vue
- currency directive
- percentage input
- v-money
- v-currency
- v-percentage
- input mask
- number format
- currency input
- money input
Easy input of currency formatted numbers for Vue.js.
- vue-weblineindia-currency-input
- vue
- text mask
- input mask
- currency input
- money input
- currency input-field
- format
- i18n
- ISO 4217