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195 packages found
Manifest models and validation rules for Adobe Creative Cloud Web Add-on.
Simple api for small applications using express, jsonwebtoken, sequelize and websocket
String operations for angular projects.
- angular
- ngx
- string
- ngx-strings
- css
- validations
- case
- uppercase
- lowercase
- titlecase
- initialcase
- linelimit
- string-splice
- View more
React component for validation input password via specified rules set
- React
- Typescript
- Password validation
- Validations
- Validation rules
- Regex for password
- Input password validation
- react-easy-password-validation
A versatile data validation library for RESTful APIs, supporting a wide range of data types and validation rules.
- validation
- rest
- api
- data-validation
- schema
- typescript
- javascript
- sanitization
- node
- input
- validator
- validations
- validate
- hacktoberfest
- javascript
- schema
- validation
- validations
- javascript validations
- schema benchmark
- typescript
- typescript validation
To check all the validations related to javascript and typescript.
- React Native
- Node JS
- Next JS
- Nest JS
- Angular
- React JS
- Validations
- TypeScript
- JavaScript
- Date-Validations
- Date
- moment
A very lightweight library to create reusable validation configurations to validate objects in typescript.
Validator for forms designed with material-ui components.
- react
- react-forms
- mui-form
- mui-validator
- form-validator
- validator
- validations
- mui-form-validator
- react-validator
- react-mui-form-validator
- react-form-validator
A Stimulus controller for rendering rails model validation errors inline on form inputs
<p align="center"> <img width="100%" height="300" src="./logo.png" alt="Svelte Formly" /> </p>
- svelte
- sveltejs
- svelte-v3
- svelte-framework
- svelte-formly
- svelte-form
- svelte-forms
- svelte-form-validations
- svelte-form-validation
- svelte-form-validators
- svelte-form-validator
- svelte-formly-validations
- svelte-formly-validation
- svelte-formly-validators
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UI lib to reuse Sprinque B2B solutions
[![npm version](]( [![License: MIT](](
Utility Functions for all Development Purpose
This library provides a comprehensive set of utility functions for various common tasks, including date calculations, formatting, masking, normalizing data, and validation
- react-native
- react
- javascript
- typescript
- mobile
- ios
- android
- functions
- validations
- mask
- cpf-mask
- cnpj-mask
- telephone-mask
- cep-mask
This is a packet that have validation with hooks, the proyect was created with typescript and the dependencies that has are: - Styled Component
A Vue 3 UI library that contains a set of high quality components
custom hook validator.
This package makes sure that all your values are validated, such as email, password, debit card, passport number, and several other validations.
Validações de comuns de formulários