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Polyfill Web Speech API with Cognitive Services Speech-to-Text service
- cognitive services
- dictation
- microphone
- polyfill
- react
- speak
- speech recognition
- speech synthesis
- speech to text
- speechsynthesis
- stt
- text to speech
- tts
- unified speech
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generate expanded Amazon Alexa utterances from a template string
Type safety react component for utterances
Package for simplifying the Speech Recognition and Speech Utterence process.
- speech
- recognition
- grammar
- utterance
- grammar list
- grammar parse
- speech recognition
- speech synthesis
- speech grammar
- speech voices
- voice recognition
- Web Speech API
Expand custom utterance slots of phrases, to use with Alexa Skills Kit Sample Utterances
App to help define Alexa utterances more easily
Polyfill Web Speech API with Cognitive Services Speech-to-Text service
- cognitive services
- dictation
- microphone
- polyfill
- react
- speak
- speech recognition
- speech synthesis
- speech to text
- speechsynthesis
- stt
- text to speech
- tts
- unified speech
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Run Alexa apps on the command-line. Run them in Slack. Run them anywhere! Supports Amazon Alexa skills and intents.
- alexa
- amazon
- amazon echo
- intents
- skills
- chatskills
- chat skills
- chatbot
- chat bot
- chat-bot
- natural language processing
- nlp
- slack
- slack chatbot
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# Goal and TODOs * Add Typescript support * Make compononents style-customizable
A React text-to-speech component
Alexa Skills Kit Sample Utterances generator
A React component that synthesis text into speech using Web Speech API
Compiles short-hand notation for alexa utterances into exhaustive utterances needed by Alexa
Type safety vue component for utterances
Interprete/compile *.utter files for creating a verbose library of utterances
iOS SFSpeechRecognizer bridge module for React Native
- react-native
- react
- speech-recognition
- speech
- SFSpeechRecognizer
- react-component
- react-native-component
- transcription
- utterance
- iOS
Type safety svelte component for utterances
A simple natural language processing (NLP) recognizer you can use in minutes.
- nlp
- natural language processing
- natural language processor
- recognizer
- recognition
- text
- regular expressions
- trie search
- machine learning
- typescript
- utterance