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12 packages found
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A highly efficient, isomorphic, full-featured, multilingual text search engine library, providing full-text search, fuzzy matching, phonetic scoring, document indexing and more, with micro JSON state hydration/dehydration in-browser and server-side.
- search-engine
- full-text-search
- text-processing
- document-indexing
- fuzzy-matching
- multilingual
- BM25
- n-gram
- multi-gram
- BK-Tree
- state-hydration
- state-dehydration
- Damerau-Levenshtein-distance
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Text miner, polarity rater with results between -100% and +100%
- text-miner
- text-mining
- miner
- mining
- polarity-rate
- polarity-rater
- polarity
- text-analytics
- document-term-matrix
- dtm
- text-analysis
- natural
- afinn
- sentiment
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node.js interface to the Google word2vec tool
text mining utilities
Here is a README generated from the code snippet:
- vectorizer
- machine-learning
- code-vectorization
- embedding
- ai
- artificial-intelligence
- nlp
- natural-language-processing
- code-embedding
- programming
- code-processing
- software-engineering
- tokenizer
- code-tokenizer
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Package to help you find the perfect emoji based on contextual analysis. Returns set of emojis that closely match the intended sentiment or meaning. Ideal for social media posts, chat bots, or any other text that can benefit with expressive emojis. Start
- emoji
- text-analytics
- suggestion
- emoji-synonym
- emoji-analysis
- text-to-emoji
- contextual-analysis
- sentiment-analysis
- emoji-library
- emoji-finder
- emoji-tool
- emoji-context
- social-media
- chat-bot
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text mining utilities
Google Word2Vec Interface for Node.js with N-API
node.js interface to the Google word2vec tool
node.js interface to the Google word2vec tool
Command line interface to turn text documents into WordNet synset trees
Mapping texts to UMLS via the Consumer Health Vocabulary (CHV)