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Deploys your schema changes and routines, it versions all your changes and roles back failed routines to previous versions
Fetch terminal procedures from
Deploys your schema changes and routines, it versions all your changes and roles back failed routines to previous versions
A representation of written set of activities and procedures that outlines(or guides) what stakeholders and others should do in emergency(or disaster) event.
- codetanzania
- emis
- emis-module
- incident
- hazard
- emergency
- risk
- plan
- contingency
- activity
- action
- task
- procedures
- sop
Redux procedures simplify boilerplate for side-effect routines while maintaining the flexibility of redux-sagas or redux-observables (both fully compartible)
Deploys your schema changes and routines, it versions all your changes and roles back failed routines to previous versions
Gerenciamento sql
call your sprocs from node
CLI to make more easy write functions on mysql and uploads to mysql server
A websocket to mysql simple gateway. Use to run procedures on mysql from websockets clients.
Get a Mysql's schema procedures and parameters as json.
Redux procedures simplify boilerplate for side-effect routines while maintaining the flexibility of redux-sagas or redux-observables (both fully compartible)
Deploys your schema changes and routines, and rolls back failed routines to previous versions
A websocket to mysql simple gateway. Use to run procedures on mysql from websockets clients.