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List of MCC and MNC codes from up-to-date Wikipedia page
A plugin to get the device's SIM data (carrier name, mcc mnc, country code, telephonenumber, imei, etc)
- cordova
- sim
- uicc
- carrier
- mcc
- mnc
- telephonenumber
- imei
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-android
- cordova-ios
- cordova-windows
API to get Merchant Category Codes
SIM card checksum and encoding utils for nibbling, mcc, mnc, etc.
A plugin to get the device's SIM data (carrier name, mcc mnc, country code, telephonenumber, imei, etc)
- cordova
- sim
- uicc
- carrier
- mcc
- mnc
- telephonenumber
- imei
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-android
- cordova-ios
- cordova-windows
Official HLR Lookups API SDK for NodeJS by
Get location based on (MCC, MNC, LAC, CellID) using Google, Yandex, OpenCellID, cell2gps, Mylnikov Geo and Mozilla Location Service
- bts
- base station
- opencellid
- mozilla location service
- mylnikov
- mozlocation
- cepp2gps
- location
- yandex
- gsm
- umts
- lte
- geolocation
- View more
A library for getting coordinates from mobile country code(MCC), mobile network code(MNC), location area code(LAC) and Cell ID(CID)
Google Maps Geolocation API for Node.js (unofficial)
- accesspoints
- api
- bssid
- carrier
- cellular
- geolocation
- location
- lookup
- mcc
- mnc
- mobile
- network
- unlicense
- View more
A Nativescript plugin to get the device's SIM data (carrier name, mcc mnc, country code, telephonenumber, etc)
- NativeScript
- telephony
- nativescript
- sim
- uicc
- carrier
- mcc
- mnc
- telephonenumber
- imei
- ecosystem:nativescript
- nativescript-android
- nativescript-ios
A plugin to get the device's SIM data (carrier name, mcc mnc, country code, telephonenumber, etc)
- cordova
- sim
- uicc
- carrier
- mcc
- mnc
- telephonenumber
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-android
- cordova-ios
- cordova-wp7
- cordova-wp8
A Nativescript plugin for getting info from the sim card.
- NativeScript
- JavaScript
- Android
- iOS
- dual
- sim
- isoCountryCode
- carrierName
- mcc
- mnc
- simOperator
- callState
- dataActivity
- networkType
- View more
Minecraft-Console-Client adapter
A wrapper for mcc-mnc lookup
A fork for sim info reading with android bug fixes , this is a plugin to get the device's SIM data (carrier name, mcc mnc, country code, telephonenumber, imei, etc)
- cordova
- sim
- uicc
- carrier
- mcc
- mnc
- telephonenumber
- imei
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-android
- cordova-ios
- cordova-windows
mcc javascript library
List of MCC and MNC codes from up-to-date Wikipedia page
## exports
Patched version of node-hlr-client to fix issue with timestamp
List of MCC and MNC codes from up-to-date Wikipedia page