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40 packages found

Check if an environment is little endian.

published version 0.2.2, 6 months ago12 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

Check if an environment is big endian.

published version 0.2.2, 6 months ago2 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0

Check if an environment is little endian.

published version 1.0.0, 9 years ago6 dependents licensed under $MIT

Just a wittle wogger with no dependencies

published version 4.1.0, 4 years ago5 dependents licensed under $MIT

Little Template engine for {{mustache}}

published version 0.3.3, 11 years ago1 dependents

Encodes and decodes numbers of given size in big and little endian.

published version 1.0.5, 6 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

Checks if your system is little endian

published version 0.0.0, 12 years ago4 dependents licensed under $BSD

make a random id of X chars long

published version 1.0.0, 10 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

lapp = little app, lapp mainly focus on ui component which can be easily developed with OOP or functional programing!

published version 1.1.4, 7 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

JavaScript version of Little Alchemy

published version 1.0.1, 9 years ago0 dependents licensed under $ISC

Little Open Ticket System. View todos and tags in a codebase.

published version 3.2.0, 4 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Super small pattern matching library for TS projects

published version 1.2.1, 3 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

A little toolkit for running and managing child processes.

published version 0.2.3, 5 years ago2 dependents licensed under $MIT

Bring a little Bob Ross to your CSS.

published version 1.0.1, 9 years ago0 dependents licensed under $CC0-1.0

Express Logger

published version 1.0.3, 8 years ago0 dependents licensed under $GPL-3.0

A simple Smalltalk to js translator.

published version 1.0.4, 12 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

A library for your Little Orphan Annie Secret decoder ring.

published version 1.0.3, 11 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Hey, are your browsers small? Do you like code that's tiny and easy to digest? Are you tired of those other places that give you these giant frameworks with superloops and black-ops DOMs? Well come on down to lil-bits! We've got tiny modules! *lil-bits*

published version 0.1.1, 9 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

helper utility to generate (and process) claim codes for a Berg Little Printer

published version 1.0.1, 5 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Check if an environment is big endian.

published version 0.2.2, 6 months ago0 dependents licensed under $Apache-2.0