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65 packages found
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Detect the file type of a file, stream, or data
get dimensions of any image file
app-builder precompiled binaries
Create Apple ICNS and Microsoft ICO files from PNG
An icon generator to generate all the icon files needed for electron packaging
Package for encoding different icon files
Converts any image file to .icns file using native libraries
An icon generator to generate all the icon files needed for electron packaging
Library to read and create .icns files
An *Ackchyually* browser compatible file-type hacky replacement of the `file-type` package. Forked from
A pure JS library for extracting image/video attributes such as width, height, size, and mime type
Apple Icon Image format parser and builder
A CommonJS port from the ESM file-type package. Now fixed to not have 'tarHeaderChecksumMatches' error!
A module to convert a .png file to an .icns file.
Convert Image to Apple Icon Image format
electron cli tools
Apple IconSet (.icns) file format
Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer
An icon generator to generate all the icon files needed for electron packaging
create high-quality desktop app icons for Windows, MacOS, and Linux using an SVG source