Search results
77 packages found
Cordova HMS Push Plugin
Cordova HMS IAP Plugin
- cordova
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-android
- iap
- inapppurchases
- huawei-iap
- hms-iap
- huawei-inapppurchases
- hms-inapppurchases
- hms
- huawei
Cordova HMS Location Plugin
Cordova HMS Map Plugin
Cordova HMS Ads Plugin
Cordova HMS Ads Prime Plugin
Huawei Account Cordova Plugin
Cordova HMS ML Language Plugin
Cordova HMS Scan Plugin
Cordova HMS Health Plugin
Cordova HMS Nearby Plugin
React Native HMS Nearby Kit
Cordova HMS ML Text Plugin
Cordova HMS ML Body Plugin
Cordova HMS Site Plugin
Cordova HMS Awareness Plugin
A simple tool for windows 10, that downloads APKs from Google playstore, analyzes them, and lists all the Google and Huawei SDKs (kits) that are integrated, along with other metadata
Purchasely is a solution to ease the integration and boost your In-App Purchase & Subscriptions on the App Store, Google Play Store and Huawei App Gallery.
- react-native
- ios
- android
- in-app
- iap
- Purchases
- Subscription
- StoreKit
- billing
- Purchasely
- Play
- App
- Store
- View more
Capacitor plugin to check GMS and HMS availability
Purchasely is a solution to ease the integration and boost your In-App Purchases & Subscriptions on the App Store, Google Play Store, Amazon Appstore and Huawei App Gallery.
- ecosystem:cordova
- cordova-ios
- cordova-android
- purchasely
- in-app
- ios
- android
- iap
- purchases
- subscription
- storekit
- billing
- play
- View more