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26 packages found
Adds support for onlinesales backend data
Adds commonmark directives support to markdown files
- gatsby
- gatsby-plugin
- plugin
- remark
- directive
- commonmark
- markdown
- gatsby-transformer-remark
- gatsby-transformer-plugin
Adds support for onlinesales relative images path
When you use a React component in your markdown, it will insert it as a div instead of a p
Track internal and external clicks from links embedded in your markdown
- gatsby
- gatsby-plugin
- google analytics
- gatsby-transformer-remark
- remark
- markdown
- link
- tracking
- click
- analytics
When you use a React component in your markdown, it will insert it as a div instead of a p
When you use a React component in your markdown, it will insert it as a div instead of a p
Gatsby remark plugin to find and replace text
Add copy buttons to code snippets
This plugin lazy loads image processed by gatsby-remark-images plugin
Gatsby Transformer Remark plugin that extracts data attributes from images in Markdown (.md) files and adds them to the AST stream for later processing.
Gatsby Transformer Remark plugin that inserts AST properties into the wrapper generated by Gatsby Remark Images
Customize your gatsby Remark markup footnotes
When you use a React component in your Markdown, you may need this package to change the parent element to div to avoid incorrect nesting.
A gatsby plugin to do tumble blog style media embeds, like photosets, videos, and links.
Add codefence to your gatsby site's markdown
Add copy buttons to code snippets
Removes widows from text over 4 words
A gatsby-transformer-remark plugin for decorating html elements with classes.
This is a plugin to add loading='lazy|eager|auto' property to image tag generated by gatsby-transformer-remark