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Detect the file type of a file, stream, or data
An *Ackchyually* browser compatible file-type hacky replacement of the `file-type` package. Forked from
A CommonJS port from the ESM file-type package. Now fixed to not have 'tarHeaderChecksumMatches' error!
A CLI to bootstrap digital display projects.
Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer
a javascript powerfull dicom parser
Managing docker compose configurations, volumes and networks
Angular dicom viewer
- ng2-dicom
- ngx-dicom
- ng2
- angular-dicom
- dicom
- angular
- angular2
- angular2-dicom
- ng2dicom
- akovrizhnykh
- dcm
- dicom-viewer
a powerfull javascript dicom pixel data decoder
Forked from SheetJS Spreadsheet data parser and writer. Customised for DCM Excel templates, i.e. enabled some cell formatting like borders, bold font, highlighting (light blue fill color as in DCM templates), vertical and horizontal alignment.
Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer
基于file-type 12.3.0版本修改,微信小程序可用的文件类型检测工具
## Installation
Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer. Fork of allowing custom detectors. May be removed once this feature is merged into the original repo.
Various dcm files conversions and manipulations
Detect the file type of a Buffer/Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer
jssdk for dcm webview
Parses the DICOM standard into easily-consumable JSON objects