Search results
21 packages found
Shelf dates library
Day.js plugin to add support for calculating dates only accounting for Business days
DayJS business days plugin with hungarian holidays
Day.js vite plugin for Ant Design (antd)
Day.js webpack plugin for Ant Design (antd)
A wrapper for integrating dayjs into Vuejs 3
Day.js webpack plugin for Ant Design (antd)
Day.js webpack plugin for Ant Design (antd)
Day.js webpack plugin for Ant Design (antd)
Ember Template helpers based on Day.js
Day.js webpack5 plugin for Ant Design (antd)
A small wrapper for integrating dayjs to Vuejs
Day.js webpack plugin for Ant Design (antd)
Day.js plugin to add support for calculating dates only accounting for Business days
Day.js webpack plugin for Ant Design (antd)
A Day.js plugin for matching and generating recurring dates.
Day.js plugin to add support for getting a random date either between two dates, a random date in the future or a random date in the past.
A Day.js plugin for matching and generating range dates.
vite plugin for replacing moment.js with Day.js
Day.js plugin to add support for calculating dates based on business days