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58 packages found
🔨 CLI for read GitHub Contributions and Streaks
Sync your external contributions to GitHub
Create custom text or display an image on your GitHub contributions graph by generating historical commits.
Tool to extract contributions from a Git project for a specific author.
Git pdf report is a free and open-source library designed to simplify the process of generating reports from Git repositories. Whether you're a developer, project manager, or just someone interested in analyzing Git data, this library has got you covered.
List all contributed project & check all-contributors status
Gets Github calendar data in format SVG by user and year.
- Github
- Github Calendar
- Calendar
- Github contributions
- Github calendar contributions
- Calendar contributions
- contributions
Small NPM package for collecting your own GitHub statistics
A dumb utility to help you mirror your GitLab and GitHub contributions.
Contribution graph visualization library for canvas or SVG.
Generate markdown tables from vscode contributions
React component to display GitHub contributions graph
Transform the GitHub contributions calendar into a JSON format.
CLI tool to review and submit your Microsoft MVP contributions
Parses the GitHub contributions calendar SVG code into JSON.
Embed your Gitlab Contributions Calendar anywhere
GitHub contribution streak & stat tracking CLI app
List all List all GitHub repos a user has contributed to since the beginning
Generate contributing guidelines for a new project.
- collaborators
- conduct
- contribs
- contributing
- contributions
- contributors
- guidelines
See the GitHub contributions calendar of a user in the command line.