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58 packages found
Strip console and debugger statements from JavaScript code
Write CSS faster with a modification of the CSS syntax combined with the camelCase for property names that JS uses, and apply multiple styles to an element using only 1 line of code.
Smart comment and whitespace cleaner for JavaScript-like files.
This is a pmnps plugin for cleaning node_modules in packages when the pkg manager is changed.
Creation of clean architecture templates for javascript and type projects
Strip alert statements from a rocambole AST
Cucumber-js with sync, callable steps and parsed arguments.
The easiest to use and powerful data validate and formatter library for JS.
Strip alert statements from a rocambole AST
Strip console and debugger statements from JavaScript code
Strip console, alert, and debugger statements from JavaScript code
Strip console, alert, and debugger statements from JavaScript code
tidyaddr implementation in js. Clean (Baltimore) addresses. Connect with postgres, csv.
Strip alert, console and debugger statements from JavaScript code
Strip console, alert, and debugger statements from JavaScript code
This package is a reflection of clean code book and on and how to transform bad code into good code. Also its a number of js design principles that help you to understand and use the language effectively.
Remove console, alert, and debugger statements from code processed by webpack
Strip console, alert, and debugger statements from JavaScript code
Scan your code to clean up actually unused files and dependencies
Copy and compress files and directories using Grunt