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11 packages found
Union Find data structure using Redis
Data structure that helps to solve network connectivity problem using two operations: 1) connect two objects; 2) check or two objects are connected.
Group similar items together.
- algorithm
- cluster
- compare
- comparison
- disjoint-set
- edit-distance
- fuzzy
- group
- group-similar
- grouping
- levenshtein
- match
- matching
- merge-find
- View more
Implementation of Disjoint sets data structure.
Implementation of a disjoint set data structure
Implementation of Disjoint-set data structure algorithm (also called a union–find data structure or merge–find set).
- algorithm
- typescript
- algorithms
- data-structures
- union
- merge
- disjoint
- disjoint-set
- disjoint-sets
- union-find
- merge-find
An implementation of DisjointSet data structure.
An immutable Union-Find structure.
a disjoint-set data structure
A JavaScript (WASM) API for the Rust backend of `reunion`, i.e. a Union-Find w/ Rank data structure for JavaScript that runs WebAssembly.
Implementation of Weighted Quick Union-Find with Path Compression data structure.