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Feature-rich autocomplete component for Vue.js
- Vue
- Vue.js
- Autocomplete
- Suggest
- Suggestion
- Autosuggest
- aria-spec
- aria
- aria-attributes
- aria-autocomplete
- Search
- list
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Address Finder JS library backed by the Ideal Postcodes UK address search API
Vanila Vue.js component that mimics Selectize behaviour (no need jquery dependency) with extras
Frontend UK Address Autocomplete Library for Ideal Postcodes API
Native Angular UI Components and Design Framework
- Angular
- Components
- Typescript
- Data Grid
- Date Picker
- Time Picker
- Color Picker
- Switch
- Autocomplete
- Panel
- Notification
- Tooltip
- Progress
- Carousel
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AngularJS Autocomplete, wrapper for the jQuery UI Autocomplete Widget!
company ui vue
Simple ui components for all react basic components like Autocomplete, Button, Dialog and Form all in one package.
Autocomplete Web Component
Simple and Customisable Autocomplete component for iOS and Android
A simple, powerful, lightweight and customizable autocomplete tool programmed for React projects!
- Autocomplete
- Auto complete
- React autocomplete
- Autosearch
- Auto search
- Autosuggest
- Auto suggest
- React autosuggest
- React autosearch
- React Autocomplete dropdown
- typeahead
Suggestion search input based on searches entered for React
Typescript declarations for Screeps API. To enable autocomplete and help with compilation
it is an auto complete component that gets the data from server and has the 'paging' feature with scroll
Strong TypeScript declarations for the game AdventureLand
Ractive Ez UI Combobox
A React typeahead Component built with UIKit 3
React Native module to search places using Data.Gouv API in France