Search results
79 packages found
Transform LV95 coordinates to WGS84
Latitude and longitude coordinates converter
Convert between wgs84 coordinates and gcj02 cross range coordinates
LatLng to UTM converter vice versa
turf projection module
- turf
- projection
- to-mercator
- to-wgs84
- EPSG:4326
- WGS84
- mercator
- web-mercator
- EPSG:3857
- EPSG:3785
- 900913
- EPSG:900913
- EPSG:102113
constants from the standard reference ellipsoid
intersection of a ray with the earth as a wgs84 oblate sphereoid
Math helper extensions for cartographic calculation in Cesium.js
VN2000 to WGS84 converter and reverse
地理坐标转换库,任意类型经纬度数据集(GeoJSON、数组、字符串)实现WGS84、GCJ02、BD09互转。 a utility library for helping convert coordinates from collection like GeoJSON or Array & ect.Use Regular Expression Matching,convert by coordinate-convert
Reproject between coordinates systems. Supports EPSG codes.
Convert from LV03(EPSG:21781) and LV95(EPSG:2056) to WGS84(EPSG:4326)
TypeScript/JavaScript library for transformation of geographic coordinates between WGS84 and the Swedish coordinate reference systems SWEREF99 and RT90
Transform coordinates between various coordinate systems used in Bulgaria.
Coordinate System Interchange Transformation Algorithm for TM,WTM,CONGNAMUL,WCONGNAMUL,KTM,WKTM,UTM,WGS84,BESSEL
Coordinate transformation between GCJ02 and WGS84.
This is A Map coordinate conversion tool.