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219 packages found
A web audio module for synthesizing tom-toms
React component for displaying the stereo correlation of a web audio source
WIP - use the web audio api to compose and playback polyphonically
Creating a THREE.JS Texture from an analayser node
Video and audio chat without plugins powered by WebRTC -- Works in Firefox, Chrome and Chrome Frame
Wami audio recorder plugin.
package that manages and plays back dynamic music objects and their renderings
audio controller for web-audio-api
PC Drum - Envelope Node
UI Knob for web audio applications
PC Drum - Noise Generator
Building blocks for audio applications on the web
PC Drum - Sequencer
draws a timeline with arbitrary intervals to html canvas
WebRTC made easy
PC Drum - Bass Drum Kick
PC Drum - Snare Drum
PC Drum - Hats