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Simple library for managing a config file in a user's home dir.

published version 0.1.0, 10 years ago38 dependents licensed under $MIT

Loads environment variables from AWS Parameter Store

published version 0.0.6, 7 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Extension to embed controls to controls panel in cypress app

published version 0.2.0, 2 years ago1 dependents

Facilitate environment management in node applications

published version 1.1.4, 3 years ago12 dependents

Access iOS and Android device settings from React Native

published version 1.0.0, 2 years ago2 dependents licensed under $MIT

Configuration mixin for constructors.

published version 0.5.0, 10 years ago7 dependents licensed under $MIT

Application Configuration Library for Node.js

published version 0.5.8, 24 days ago13 dependents licensed under $MIT

Client library for epilot Organization API

published version 0.11.2, 2 months ago8 dependents licensed under $MIT

Loads environment variables from .env file (with override feature)

published version 5.0.1, 7 years ago3 dependents licensed under $BSD-2-Clause

This package makes it easy for an React Native App to ensure that the android device's system settings are properly configured for the app's location needs. If your app needs to request location, the device needs to enable the appropriate system s

published version 4.1.1, 3 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Module that loads environment variables and verify their presence

published version 0.1.1, 6 years ago3 dependents licensed under $GPL-3.0-only

A Serverless v1.x plugin that enables you to easily configure the CloudWatch settings for an API Gateway.

published version 1.2.0, 6 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

A Cordova plugin for Android & iOS to persist user settings in cloud storage across devices and installs.

published version 2.0.1, a year ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Flexible, Docker-friendly, Dotenv-based Configuration Module for NestJs

published version 1.0.14, 5 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

It's dotenv, but by default overrides system environment variables

published version 6.2.2, 4 years ago0 dependents licensed under $BSD-2-Clause

Make all properties of a class configurable using only one decorator!

published version 2.1.0, 5 years ago0 dependents licensed under $MIT

Configuration utility for Angular

published version 9.0.0, 5 years ago4 dependents licensed under $MIT

A clean and highly customizable React Native implementation of a list of settings for a settings page.

published version 1.8.0, 7 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

Load and strip JS-type comments from JSON file, easy and fast!

published version 1.0.6, 5 years ago5 dependents licensed under $MIT

Opinionated config library that allows you to have complex config and behaves according to Twelve Factor App rules

published version 1.2.0, 2 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT