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235 packages found
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Simple (file) server for front-end app development
Sprout based Node/CommonJS package generator.
- JavaScript Standard Style
- bootstrap
- changelog
- commonjs
- ecosystem:sprout
- editorconfig
- generate
- generator
- init
- keepachangelog
- lib
- libraries
- library
- mit
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A simple supervisor utility which monitors the status of your Node app, streams the console output somewhere, notifies an endpoint, and restarts your app on failure or source code change.
koa middleware to watch and reload files on change. Makes nodemon unnecessary.
pm2 without the fat in 1 shellscript, unix processmanagement using simply 'ps' and 'flock' and a teaspoon of shellscript & extra features
CLI for @bluecadet/launchpad utilities
- bluecadet
- cli
- configuration-management
- daemon
- deploy
- deployment
- dev ops
- devops
- download-manager
- exhibits
- forever-monitor
- forever
- graceful
- installations
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PM2/Keymetrics advanced API
- cli
- fault tolerant
- sysadmin
- tools
- pm2
- logs
- log
- json
- express
- hapi
- kraken
- reload
- microservice
- programmatic
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Monitors a package.json and updates it to latest version. Might be used together with nodemon to allow daemonized scripts to update and restart
Utility for building web apps
Reload your babel-node app on JS source file changes. And do it *fast*.
Production process manager for Node.JS applications with a built-in load balancer.
An application to deploy NodeJS projects from an internet browser
- application
- browser
- boot start
- boot-start
- cli
- cron
- deploy
- deployment
- devops
- forever
- forever-monitor
- handler
- http
- https
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Production process manager for Node.JS applications with a built-in load balancer.
- cli
- fault tolerant
- sysadmin
- tools
- pm2
- logs
- log
- json
- express
- hapi
- kraken
- reload
- microservice
- programmatic
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A wrapper for serverless-offline that allows multiple instances to be ran concurrently with watch functionality
starter application for Node.js
Develop Alexa skills locally
[![License](](LICENSE) [![npm version](](
A simple NodeJS CI server application
- cli
- ci
- clustering
- cluster cli
- cluster
- cron
- deploy
- deployment
- daemon
- nodemon
- ghost
- ghost production
- sysadmin
- devops
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Holds all needed development dependencies files and packages for a Typescript/NodeJS based project.
Production process manager for Node.JS applications with a built-in load balancer.
- cli
- fault tolerant
- sysadmin
- tools
- pm2
- logs
- log
- json
- express
- hapi
- kraken
- reload
- microservice
- programmatic
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