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107 packages found
A super-simple-small keyval store built on top of IndexedDB
Datastore implementation with IndexedDB backend.
Blockstore implementation with IndexedDB backend
IndexedDB chunk store that is abstract-chunk-store compliant
**Key-value store implemented on top of IndexedDB with a small metadata layer to support store management.**
[random-access][1]-compatible indexedDB storage layer
A wrapper around the IndexedDB API.
A resilient, Future-based key-value store for IndexedDB
Fetch and cache remote data in React apps
dphelper devtools | tools, store and state management brave developers by Dario Passariello
Service for managing IndexedDB local storage
IndexedDB Cache Provider for SWR
IndexedDB-based persisting LRU cache for the browser
Kind of an IndexedDB ORM written in ReScript with no runtime dependencies.
Vault, a micro yet robust browser storage library
- vault
- vault-storage
- storage
- indexeddb
- idb
- database
- client-storage
- key-value
- offline-storage
- web-storage
- data-persistence
- proxy
- asynchronous
- local-storage
- View more
一个简单易用的 IndexedDB 封装库,旨在简化数据库操作,使开发者能够方便地进行数据存储和检索。通过提供实例化的 API,可以轻松管理和操作 IndexedDB 数据库。
Module for Effector to sync stores with IndexedDB
A document oriented tiny and fast offline-first js database that supports (and|or) queries, sorting and indexing
- speeddb
- database
- idb
- indexeddb
- localStorage
- document oriented
- offline-first
- embedded
- embedded database
- speed
- tiny
Sync your IndexedDB database with a remote REST API