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☄️ Effector utility library delivering modularity and convenience
Module for Effector to sync stores with different storages
Enforcing best practices for Effector
Styled Components for forest
Units in the root domain for testing and SSR support
SWC Plugin for Effector
Effector form state factory
Module for Effector for sync state with localStorage
Effector composable forms core
SWC Plugin for Effector
React bindings for effector composable forms
- effector
- composable
- form
- forms
- validation
- react
- effector-react
- effector-reform
- reform
- effect-react-form
- effector-form
rx-sample simplifies managing RxJS Observables with Effector events, ensuring streamlined subscription control in reactive applications.
Zod schema adapter for effector-reform forms
- effector
- composable
- form
- forms
- validation
- react
- effector-react
- effector-reform
- reform
- effect-react-form
- effector-form
- zod
- adapter
React bindings for argon router
Router with power of effector
helpful effector utils
Higher-order function for persist effector store in local storage
Devtools for Effector
Setup API with ease
Yup schema adapter for effector-reform forms
- effector
- composable
- form
- forms
- validation
- react
- effector-react
- effector-reform
- reform
- effect-react-form
- effector-form
- yup
- adapter