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1000+ packages found

Official Sentry SDK for Gatsby.js

published version 9.5.0, 8 hours ago10 dependents licensed under $MIT

A Gatsby plugin for sites deployed to Netlify

published version 5.1.1, a year ago102 dependents licensed under $MIT

Embed HubSpot forms into your React components using hooks! Works with Create React App, Gatsby and other platforms.

published version 2.1.1, 3 years ago1 dependents licensed under $MIT

Intercepts local links from markdown and other non-react pages and does a client-side pushState to avoid the browser having to refresh the page.

published version 5.14.0, 4 months ago225 dependents licensed under $MIT

MDX integration for Gatsby

published version 5.14.0, 4 months ago501 dependents licensed under $MIT

Gatsby plugin to add support for Emotion

published version 8.14.0, 4 months ago286 dependents licensed under $MIT

Gatsby source plugin for building websites using the Contentful CMS as a data source

published version 8.15.0, 3 months ago58 dependents licensed under $MIT

Gatsby plugin to add google analytics onto a site

published version 5.14.0, 4 months ago171 dependents licensed under $MIT

Add canonical links to HTML pages Gatsby generates.

published version 5.14.0, 4 months ago30 dependents licensed under $MIT

Gatsby plugin which adds a third-party GraphQL API to Gatsby GraphQL

published version 5.14.0, 4 months ago89 dependents licensed under $MIT

Reimplements the behavior of layout components in gatsby@1, which was removed in version 2.

published version 4.14.0, 4 months ago96 dependents licensed under $MIT

Gatsby node helper functions to aid node creation.

published version 1.2.1, 4 years ago173 dependents licensed under $MIT

Gatsby plugin to allow system environment variables to be made available to client-side scripts

published version 2.3.0, 2 years ago18 dependents licensed under $MIT

A Gatsby plugin which optimizes working with Gatsby Cloud

published version 5.14.0, 4 months ago27 dependents licensed under $MIT

Adds syntax highlighting to code blocks at build time using PrismJS

published version 7.14.0, 4 months ago271 dependents licensed under $MIT

Creates an RSS feed for your Gatsby site.

published version 5.14.0, 4 months ago219 dependents licensed under $MIT

Gatsby plugin to set Webpack to resolve import root

published version 2.0.9, 2 years ago38 dependents licensed under $MIT

Find files which are linked to from markdown and copy them to the public directory

published version 6.14.0, 4 months ago283 dependents licensed under $MIT

Gatsby plugin to add support for ESLint

published version 4.0.4, 2 years ago19 dependents licensed under $MIT

Shows page loading indicator when loading page resources is delayed

published version 5.14.0, 4 months ago81 dependents licensed under $MIT