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479 packages found
JWA, JWS, JWE, JWT, JWK, JWKS for Node.js, Browser, Cloudflare Workers, Deno, Bun, and other Web-interoperable runtimes
Tiny local JSON database for Node, Electron and the browser
Fake IndexedDB: a pure JS in-memory implementation of the IndexedDB API
JavaScript library for embedding Power BI into your apps. Provides service which makes it easy to embed different types of components and an object model which allows easy interaction with these components such as changing pages, applying filters, and res
A local-first realtime NoSQL Database for JavaScript applications -
- db
- database
- offline-first
- local-first
- local first
- nosql
- no-sql
- jsonschema
- schema
- rxjs
- pwa
- progessive web app
- hybrid app
- localstorage
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Embed HelloSign signature requests and templates from within your web application.
File-based embedded data store for node.js
Lyra embedded form glue
A very simple and fast http server for node, bash, and spawnable from C, Python etc. It is lightweight and great for embedded solutions as well as everyday development or public facing apps.
A realtime, decentralized, offline-first, graph data synchronization engine.
- gun
- gunDB
- graph
- document
- key
- value
- relational
- datastore
- database
- engine
- realtime
- decentralized
- peer-to-peer
- distributed
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A configurable Prettier plugin to format embedded languages in JS/TS files.
A local-first realtime NoSQL Database for JavaScript applications -
- db
- database
- offline-first
- local-first
- nosql
- no-sql
- jsonschema
- schema
- rxjs
- pwa
- progessive web app
- hybrid app
- localstorage
- indexeddb
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Rasterize vector fonts for embedded use. Supports subsettings & merge.
A local-first realtime NoSQL Database for JavaScript applications -
- db
- database
- offline-first
- local-first
- local first
- nosql
- no-sql
- jsonschema
- schema
- rxjs
- pwa
- progessive web app
- hybrid app
- localstorage
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SDK for embedding resources from Superset into your own application
JavaScript library for embedding Power BI into your apps. Provides service which makes it easy to embed different types of components and an object model which allows easy interaction with these components such as changing pages, applying filters, and res
CommonJS version of lowdb 7.0.1. See
Tiny local JSON database for Node, Electron and the browser; build for ESM and CommonJS and UMD
CommonJS version of lowdb 7.0.1. See