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A modern TypeScript utility library.
- stdlib
- type-level
- functional
- functional-programming
- immutable
- lazy-evaluation
- collection
- map
- filter
- take
- drop
- takeLast
- dropLast
- shuffle
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Plain functions for a more functional Deku approach to creating stateless React components, with functional goodies such as compose, memoize, etc... for free.
functional library for coffeescript (and javascript)
This micro library encourages functional programming by making native methods available as partially applied functions.
curry functions with placeholders or in object form
A function is a set of statements that performs a task or calculates a value {web}.
- extra
- function
- after
- arity
- before
- flip
- once
- partial
- partialRight
- InvocationControl
- Resolver
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A collection of more than 60 often used utility JS functions that simplify frontend development.
- adblock detect
- dom
- utils
- utilities
- utility
- js util
- custom events
- cookies
- object
- css vars
- formData
- parse html
- deep merge
- string
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decurry is the 'reverse' of curry: given a composed function `fn(arg1)(arg2)(arg3)` it returns a function that can be called as `fn(arg1, arg2, arg3)` or `fn(arg1, arg2)(arg3) etc.`
- curry
- compose
- reverse
- decurry
- uncurry
- variadic
- partial
- function
- functions
- functional
- ramda
- lodash
- lodash/fp
- flowRight
A Dsl approach toward arrays.
A zero-runtime functional programming babel macro.
The set of js hooks.
Runtime type checking with "value as type" model definition in Javascript.
Just Antoher Functional Library
An async function is a function that delivers its result asynchronously (through Promise) {web}.
- extra
- async
- function
- after
- arity
- before
- flip
- once
- partial
- partialRight
- InvocationControl
- Resolver
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An async function is a function that delivers its result asynchronously (through Promise).
- extra
- async
- function
- after
- arity
- before
- flip
- once
- partial
- partialRight
- InvocationControl
- Resolver
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Transform a function into a sequence of functions each accepting a single argument.
- stdlib
- stdutils
- stdutil
- utilities
- utils
- util
- curry
- curry-right
- partial
- partially
- apply
- function
- fun
- func
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R.curry exported as a module
Some combinators
- bird
- birds
- calculus
- church
- combinator
- combinators
- combinatory
- curry
- encoding
- functional
- haskell
- I
- idiot
- K
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Tests a value’s type against a string like 'positive integer' or 'non-empty map'.
Functional programming for Norwegians ⛷️